Apprentice Pay Rates:
Apprentice Rates effective 9-1-2024
Apprentice Rates effective 3/1/2025
Do school hours count towards raises?
Yes, school hours count towards raises (contingent on meeting all grade and attendance policies). However, they are not added in weekly. They are added in after the school year has been completed successfully and are strategically timed so that retro pay will not be due. They will count towards an upcoming raise, not a past or pending raise. Do not include school hours in your calculations towards raises.
Do hours worked prior to beginning with the JATC count towards raises?
No, hours towards raises begin accruing from the time you are assigned to work by the JATC. Work hours prior to that do not count towards raises, however, previous hours worked, including CW hours, count towards licensing.
Will I get a pay raise when I get my license?
The apprentice rules and regulations state “An apprentice having served 8000 hours with the JATC Program and receiving Pay Period 8 will be advanced to Pay Period 9 only upon his/her attempting the Massachusetts State Examination for Licensure and notifying the JATC. Note: It is the apprentice’s responsibility to notify the JATC of having taken the Massachusetts State Examination for Licensure. An apprentice will advance to Step 9 if the JATC determines the apprentice provided satisfactory evidence that he/she attempted the exam. Pay Period 9 will go into effect the day after the JATC is provided satisfactory evidence. An apprentice having obtained Pay Period 9 and a Massachusetts State License by July 1st of their fifth year shall be advanced to Pay Period 10.” All apprentices are responsible for emailing the JATC office upon obtaining their license.
What is my responsibility regarding step raises?
Apprentices are responsible for:
- Knowing their correct pay rate
- Regularly checking their pay stub to ensure they are receiving the correct rate
- Notifying the JATC immediately upon receiving an incorrect pay rate by emailing
- Understanding how to calculate when their step raise is due. Click Here to read how to calculate when your step raise is due.
- Do not use the portal to calculate when your raise is due. The portal can contain hours that count towards your next raise and not the raise you were already approved for.
Important info about raises and pay rates:
- It is not guaranteed that we can recover retro pay for you if you wait longer than 30 days to notify the JATC after receiving an incorrect pay rate.
- Hours towards raises begin accruing from the time you are assigned to work by the JATC. Work hours prior to that do not count towards raises.
- School hours count towards raises and are added to your total once a year, after the school year has been successfully completed (contingent on meeting all grade and attendance policies.)
You may look up your total hours and update your contact information by following the steps below:
- Click here to log in
- To Login…you must use your email address that is on file with the JATC.
- If you do not have an email on file, call the JATC office and supply your current email.
- The FIRST TIME you log on, enter your email address and click “Reset Password”
- An email will be sent to your address, click the link in the email and type in a password
- Go back to login screen and login using your password
- You will see your contact information. Make any changes necessary. (Email address cannot be changed online)
- Click on Apprentices tab to see total hours
- Note the amount of hours is your TOTAL hours, including both work and school hours, and the month listed under “Last Report Mo.” is the month the total includes up through the end of
- The JATC will not know or manage your password. If you forget it, you must reset it.