Steps to apply for a MAINE Journeyman Electrician License:
(If you have a NH electrical license, skip the steps below and click here to apply for a reciprocal Maine License)
1. Fill out the Maine License Application Form
OR, Apply online
2. If you graduated from the Boston JATC, request your transcript from the JATC by emailing
3. Mail your completed application and transcript to:
Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation, 35 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0035
Make sure to include all of the following:
1. The completed application including the work affidavit
2. Your educational transcript
3. A copy of your MA Electrical License
4. Make a copy of everything before you mail it!
4. Application Approval:
Once you are approved to sit for the exam, you will receive a letter by mail giving instructions on registering to take the exam.
To ensure that The Electricians’ Examining Board received your application click here then click “Search individuals” and type your name as you entered it on your application. The status will
appear as “Pending Exam.” This is not an actual examination approval at this point; it is simply a verification that an application has been received and is in the queue for review.
What is the licensure exam like?
80 questions (multiple choice). You must get 70% correct in order to pass.
How can I get study material for the Maine Licensure exam?
Click Here to view the current adopted code.
Click Here to view the current board rules.
Click Here to view the current board laws.
Click Here for further information about the licensing process.
Will I get extra points on the exam for being a Veteran?
If you have military experience and training in the electrical field and want to become licensed in Maine, please call 207-624-8605 before submitting an application. Military documentation that may need to accompany your examination application includes:
- A copy of your DD Form 214, Report of Discharge
- A copy of your DD Form 2586, Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET)